रामाधीर सिंह, जो इस फिल्म के पहले भाग की तुलना में अब अधिक बुजुर्गवार है, लेकिन इसके बावजूद अभी तक विधायक ही है, को खुश होना चाहिए कि अपने तमाम किए-धरे के बावजूद वह अभी तक जिंदा है। जब वह जवान था, तब उसने अपने मुख्य पहलवान शाहिद खान को मरवा दिया था। फिर उसने शाहिद के बेटे खूंखार सरदार खान (मनोज बाजपेयी) को भी मरवा दिया। बाद में उसने सरदार के बड़े बेटे का खात्मा करवा दिया। 'आपको क्या लगता है मैं अभी तक क्यों जिंदा हूं?', वह अपने कारिंदों से पूछता है। वे सिर हिला देते हैं। वह जवाब देता है : 'क्योंकि मैं फिल्में नहीं देखता!' इस इलाके के हर बाशिंदे के दिमाग में हर वक्त कोई पिक्चर चलती रहती है, वह कहता है। यथार्थ के थपेड़ों से परेशान नौजवान सलमान खान, संजय दत्त जैसे गुस्सैल नायकों का अनुसरण करते हैं। दही की तरह ठंडे दिमाग वाला रामाधीर सिंह (फिल्मकार तिग्मांशु धुलिया इस भूमिका के कारण अभिनय जगत की एक विराट खोज बन गए हैं) के हाथ में कथानक के सूत्र बरकरार रहते हैं। वास्तव में उसका काम और आसान हो जाता है। यह फिल्म धनबाद के छोटे-से कस्बे पर लोकप्रिय मनोरंजन की पकड़ का ब्योरेवार जायजा लेती है। फिल्म के पहले दृश्य में हमें 'मैंने प्यार किया' का एक पोस्टर दिखाई देता है, जिसका मतलब है कि यह वर्ष 1989 है। लेकिन चूंकि उस वक्त देश के दूरदराज के देहाती इलाकों में फिल्में बहुत देरी से पहुंच पाती थीं, इसलिए अनुमान लगाया जा सकता है कि यह 90 के दशक की शुरुआत होगी। यही वह दशक है, जब देश संचार क्रांति का साक्षी हुआ। हमने अपने को लैंडलाइन फोन से पेजर और फिर सेलफोन तक का सफर तय करते देखा और बड़ी छतरियों-सी नजर आने वाली सैटेलाइट डिश घरों की छतों पर कतारबद्ध होने लगीं। फिल्म इशारा करती है कि वक्त अब बदल चुका है। अब किसी एक पहलवान के लिए अपने प्रतिद्वंद्वी से अपने इलाके की हिफाजत कर पाना मुमकिन नहीं रह गया है।चूंकि बड़े भाई की पहले ही मौत हो चुकी है, इसलिए सरदार का छोटा बेटा फैजल अनमने ढंग से घर-परिवार की जिम्मेदारी उठाता है। वह बेमन से ही सही, लेकिन अपने पिता द्वारा स्थापित किए गए साम्राज्य को आगे बढ़ाने का काम करता रहता है। मुझे लगता है ऐसा इसलिए है, क्योंकि उसका वास्ता युवाओं से पड़ता है। उसका एक प्रमुख गुंडा वास्तव में चौदह साल का 'ब्लेड रनर' है, जिसका नाम है परपेंडीकुलर। वह दोधारी ब्लेड का उपयोग तलवार की तरह करता है। उसके असिस्टेंट का नाम टैंजेंट है। उसका एक और भरोसेमंद गुंडा उसका विक्षिप्त सौतेला भाई डेफिनेट है। उसका यह गुट मिलकर खूब धूम मचाता है। फैजल का नाम ही आतंक का पर्याय है। उसके परिवार का अब तक का इतिहास बदले का इतिहास रहा है। खून और खूनखराबे का यह दुष्चक्र अंतहीन है। फैजल आखिरकार रामाधीर के साथ समझौता करने का फैसला करता है, लेकिन हम समझ जाते हैं कि यह गठजोड़ पक्का नहीं हो सकता। फैजल खान की भूमिका नवाजुद्दीन सिद्दीकी ने निभाई है। भांग बूटी के सुरूर में चूर रहने वाला फैजल दिलेर है और वह कोई भी लड़ाई अकेले ही लड़ने में यकीन रखता है। पिछले कुछ सालों में बहुत कम अभिनेता इस तरह अपने चरित्रों की त्वचा में दाखिल होने में कामयाब हो पाए हैं। नवाजुद्दीन का आमफहम हुलिया और अपनी देहभाषा पर अचूक नियंत्रण्ा उन्हें अभिनय के एक ऐसे स्तर पर ले जाता है, जिसकी तुलना में इस साल आई दूसरी फिल्मों के नायक किसी और के या खुद अपने ही अनुसरणकर्ता नजर आने लगते हैं। फिल्म की कास्टिंग (मुकेश छाबड़ा) भी हम पर इतना ही गहरा असर छोड़ती है। जीशान कादरी की इस अद्भुत कहानी का हर किरदार खूब फबा है। पिछले कुछ सालों में अनुराग कश्यप ने एक निर्माता और निर्देशक के रूप में जिस प्रकार की प्रतिभाओं को अपनी ओर आकर्षित किया है और उन्हें प्रेरित किया है, उससे वे अपने आपमें भारत के टॉप फिल्म स्कूल बन चुके हैं। पिछले दशक में यही भूमिका रामगोपाल वर्मा निभाया करते थे। यह फिल्म निश्चित ही अनुराग कश्यप का अब तक सर्वश्रेष्ठ काम है।वासेपुर, जो कभी गांव हुआ करता था और अब धनबाद का एक पड़ोसी कस्बा है, वर्ष 2000 में बिहार और झारखंड के विभाजन के बाद झारखंड का हिस्सा बन गया था। इस इलाके में अराजकता का साम्राज्य आज भी बरकरार है। राजसत्ता की मौजूदगी का लगभग कोई वजूद नहीं है। फैजल का अब ब्याह हो चुका है। वह अपनी बीवी को प्यार करता है। वह भी उसे चाहती है। दोनों इस गीत को बेइंतहा पसंद करते हैं : 'फ्रस्टियाओ नहीं मोरा, नर्वसाओ नहीं मोरा'। यह गीत अपनी संकर शब्दावली भर से धनबाद के समूचे इलाके के सारतत्व को निचोड़ लेता है। निर्देशक की रुचि ब्योरों में है, फिर चाहे वह हत्या की चरण-दर-चरण प्रक्रिया हो या बूथ कैप्चरिंग हो। हम लगभग उस इलाके की गंध को सूंघ सकते हैं। जो लोग इन नजारों से वाकिफ हैं, वे पाएंगे कि वे रंगीन चश्मे से अपनी इस दुनिया को फिर से देख रहे हैं, और जो लोग इन नजारों से नावाकिफ हैं, वे भी अपना दिल बहलता पाएंगे।520 मिनटों का यह मिनी-सीरिज़ महाकाव्य फिल्मकार को अपने कथानक में बारीकी के साथ पैठने का मौका देता है। उसने सनसनीखेज हत्याओं और रंग-बिरंगी संवाद अदायगी की कला में निश्चित ही महारत हासिल कर ली है। यदि हम इस फिल्म के पहले भाग की तुलना में उसके दूसरे भाग को प्राथमिकता देते हैं तो उसका कारण यही है कि इसी फिल्म में पहले भाग की कहानी अपने मुकम्मल मुकाम तक पहुंचती है। आपको इस फिल्म की महत्वाकांक्षा के व्यापक पैमाने का अहसास हो जाता है। अब हम इस महाकाव्य के समूचे ओर-छोर को देख सकते हैं। हम थियेटर से एक किस्म की जीवंतता लिए बाहर निकलते हैं, अलबत्ता हमें लगता है कि हमारा सिर भारी हो रहा है। यह फिल्म किसी अंधड़ की तरह हमसे टकराती है। यकीनन, यही इस फिल्म की मंशा भी थी।
Newest 200+ Comments Not Showing In Blogger - Fix Found!
Due to Blogger Threaded comments, most of the comment code structure has been seriously effected. Normally when a post exceeds the limit of 200 comments, latest comments are paginated and only the oldest 200 comments are displayed on post page. You could switch between oldest and newest comments by using the comment pagination links but due to threaded commenting system these links got messed up and would not show up now. I got a custom script from my friend nhamngahanh from simplexdesign which will help you fix this 200+ comments problem so that your visitors could access all your comments. Lets cook some new recipe today!
You can see live demo on our blog just at the top of comments. Click Here
This tutorial is a little different from what nhamngahanh shared. I have changed the location of HTML code so that it may not misalign the post navigation buttons. I also accordingly change the CSS styles to make it more appealing.
This widget works on JavaScript that display your first 200 comments and then paginates the remaining comments inside separate pages and displays the remaining pages in numeric form and latest and oldest links as text links.
Fix Comment Pagination Links In Blogger
- Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
- Backup your template
- Click the box "Expand Widget Templates"
- Search for <body>
- Just above it paste the following code:
<script type='text/javascript'>
function commentpagination(url,comment){
var posturl= url;
var comment = comment;
cmpage = Math.ceil(comment/200);
document.write('<a href="'+posturl+'?commentPage=1">Oldest</a>');
for (var i = 1; i <= cmpage; i++) {
document.write('<a href="'+posturl+'?commentPage='+i+'">'+i+'</a>');
document.write('<a href="'+posturl+'?commentPage='+cmpage+'">Latest</a>');
If you wish you can change the yellow highlighted text to any name you like.
6. Next search for this code:
<b:if cond='data:post.numComments == 1'>
1 <data:commentLabel/>:
<data:post.numComments/> <data:commentLabelPlural/>:
and just below it paste the following code:
<span id='commentpaging'>
<font style='color:#289728; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; padding-right:4px; '> Comment Page :</font><script type='text/javascript'>commentpagination("<data:post.url/>","<data:post.numComments/>");</script>
- You can change the yellow highlighted text to anything you like.
- To change the color of Comment page text edit color:#289728
7. Now search for ]]></b:skin> and just above it paste the following CSS code:
/* -------------- Comment Pagination Stylesheet By MBT --------*/#commentpaging { background:#F7F9FA; margin:0px padding:20px auto;width:580px; border:1px solid #ddd; border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; text-align:right;}
#commentpaging a { margin-right:5px;}
Make these customizations:
- To Change background color of the box edit background:#F7F9FA
- To change the width of the box edit width:580px
Save your template and visit any of your blog post to see a pagination box appearing just at the top of your comments.
सोशल नैटवर्किंग बैवसाइटों को निर्देश, 15 दिनों के अंदर हटाएं आपत्तिजनक सामग्री
नई दिल्ली, 7 फरवरी : दिल्ली की एक अदालत ने सोमवार को गूगल, फेसबुक, याहू आदि 21 प्रमुख इंटरनेट साइटों और सर्च इंजन को 15 दिनों के अंदर अपनी बैवसाइटों से आपत्तिजनक सामग्री हटाने का निर्देश दिया है। रोहिणी स्थित अदालत ने बैवसाइटों पर आपत्तिजनक और अश्लील सामग्री पोस्ट किए जाने पर सख्त रवैया अपनाते हुए कहा कि उन्हें और समय नहीं दिया जायेगा। उन्हें यह सामग्री हटाकर 15 दिन के अंदर अपनी अमल रिपोर्ट दाखिल करनी होगी। अदालत ने इससे पूर्व 24 दिसम्बर को इन बैवसाइटों को 6 फरवरी तक सामग्री हटाने का निर्देश दिया था।
इस बीच सामाजिक सर्च बैवसाइट फेसबुक ने अदालत के पहले के निर्देश पर सोमवार को अपनी अमल रिपोर्ट दाखिल की। रोहिणी सिविल अदालत के न्यायाधीश प्रवीण सिंह ने अदालत के निर्देश का सही उत्तर नहीं देने के लिए सर्च इंजन गूगल पर नाराजगी जताते हुए पूछा कि वे उचित जवाब दाखिल क्यों नहीं कर रहे हैं। सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता मुफ्ती एजाज अरशद काजमी ने अदालत में यह मामला दायर किया है। वैबसाइटों के खिलाफ आपत्तिजनक सामग्री को लेकर राजधानी के एक पत्रकार विनय राय ने एक आपराधिक मामला भी दायर किया है, जिस पर पटियाला हाउस अदालत में सुनवाई चल रही है। इस कार्यवाही को रुकवाने के लिए वेबसाइटों ने दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालय में अपील की थी, लेकिन उसने कार्यवाही रोकने का निर्देश देने से इनकार कर दिया था। उच्च न्यायालय के न्यायाधीश न्यायमूर्ति सुरेश कैत ने तल्ख टिप्पणी की थी कि यदि वैबसाइटें आपत्तिजनक सामग्री हटाने की प्रणाली विकसित नहीं करती हैं, तो उन्हें चीन की तरह प्रतिबंधित किया जा सकता है।
वैबसाइटों को ब्लाक या सैंसर करने का कोई सवाल ही नहीं : सचिन पायलट
संचार एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी राज्य मंत्री सचिन पायलट ने कहा कि किसी भी सोशल नैटवर्किंग और अन्य वैबसाइटों को ब्लाक या सैंसर करने का कोई सवाल ही नहीं उठता लेकिन उसने यह भी कहा कि इन वैबसाइटों को भारतीय कानून के दायरे में रहकर काम करना होगा और जवाबदेह रहना चाहिए। उन्होंने यहां संवाददाताओं से बातचीत करते हुए कहा कि वैबसाइटों के नियंत्रण संबंधी कानून इस प्रकार की कंपनियों से विचार-विमर्श और बातचीत कर बनाए गए हैं।
इस बीच सामाजिक सर्च बैवसाइट फेसबुक ने अदालत के पहले के निर्देश पर सोमवार को अपनी अमल रिपोर्ट दाखिल की। रोहिणी सिविल अदालत के न्यायाधीश प्रवीण सिंह ने अदालत के निर्देश का सही उत्तर नहीं देने के लिए सर्च इंजन गूगल पर नाराजगी जताते हुए पूछा कि वे उचित जवाब दाखिल क्यों नहीं कर रहे हैं। सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता मुफ्ती एजाज अरशद काजमी ने अदालत में यह मामला दायर किया है। वैबसाइटों के खिलाफ आपत्तिजनक सामग्री को लेकर राजधानी के एक पत्रकार विनय राय ने एक आपराधिक मामला भी दायर किया है, जिस पर पटियाला हाउस अदालत में सुनवाई चल रही है। इस कार्यवाही को रुकवाने के लिए वेबसाइटों ने दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालय में अपील की थी, लेकिन उसने कार्यवाही रोकने का निर्देश देने से इनकार कर दिया था। उच्च न्यायालय के न्यायाधीश न्यायमूर्ति सुरेश कैत ने तल्ख टिप्पणी की थी कि यदि वैबसाइटें आपत्तिजनक सामग्री हटाने की प्रणाली विकसित नहीं करती हैं, तो उन्हें चीन की तरह प्रतिबंधित किया जा सकता है।
वैबसाइटों को ब्लाक या सैंसर करने का कोई सवाल ही नहीं : सचिन पायलट
संचार एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी राज्य मंत्री सचिन पायलट ने कहा कि किसी भी सोशल नैटवर्किंग और अन्य वैबसाइटों को ब्लाक या सैंसर करने का कोई सवाल ही नहीं उठता लेकिन उसने यह भी कहा कि इन वैबसाइटों को भारतीय कानून के दायरे में रहकर काम करना होगा और जवाबदेह रहना चाहिए। उन्होंने यहां संवाददाताओं से बातचीत करते हुए कहा कि वैबसाइटों के नियंत्रण संबंधी कानून इस प्रकार की कंपनियों से विचार-विमर्श और बातचीत कर बनाए गए हैं।
Australian Open 2012: Rafael Nadal overcomes Tomas Berdych to set up semi-final against Roger Federer
By Ankit --There was a revealing moment during the legendary Wimbledon final of 2008 when Pascal Maria, the chair umpire, noticed that both Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal were making eye contact with him after each point.
It’s like they were saying, ‘We need each other’s support Maria said later. There will be a winner and a loser but let’s deal with everything together to make it special.
That match, which Nadal won 9-7 in the fifth, was more than just “special. It was peerless. And so is the rivalry between these two champions, a rivalry that has now stretched to 26 matches and eight grand slam finals. In the annals of tennis, only Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova come close.
So it feels a little odd, almost unnatural, that Federer and Nadal should now be preparing to meet in the first semi-final in Rod Laver Arena. Here we have two of the most feted individual sportsmen on the planet. The list of their achievements makes world No 1 Novak Djokovic look like a naive newbie. And yet tomorrow’s match will, in theory, be no more than a warm-up act for Sunday’s final.
Nadal takes a different view. We are talking about a player who won 16 grand slams,” he said last night, after negotiating a draining quarter-final against 2010 Wimbledon finalist Tomas Berdych. “I have won 10 and we have played a lot of matches between each other, in very important moments for our careers. All the matches against him are special and will be special even if we are No 20 against No 25.
Earlier, Federer had revealed that he was rooting for Nadal to beat Berdych, because he wanted to settle another score from their rich history. “Obviously I’d like to play Rafa because of our great epic match in the final here a few years ago, he said.
Federer was referring to another dramatic five-set defeat, inflicted at the 2009 Australian Open, which left him weeping so uncontrollably at the presentation ceremony that he found it difficult to accept his runners-up prize.
“God, it’s killing me, Federer said then. Tomorrow will be his chance to do some killing of his own. If Nadal serves up as many short balls as he did in the early stages of last night’s match, he can expect Federer to scatter winners all over the court like confetti.
The Fed Express certainly lived up to his nickname yesterday as he swept past Juan Martin Del Potro — another man he has history with — in just 1hr 59min. It was classic Federer as he controlled the match and stroked the ball into gaps like the ultimate string-pulling midfielder.
Del Potro’s forehand might be recovering something of the potency it had in 2009, the year he sentenced Federer to another grand slam final defeat in New York. But it is hard to see him adding to his major tournament tally unless he starts moving more like a panther than a buffalo. Federer kept wrong-footing him with cunningly placed slices, and Rod Laver Arena seemed to shake to its foundations every time he wheeled around.
Nadal, of course, will be a totally different proposition. Even with the bandage around his right knee, which he has worn since the joint mysteriously locked up on the eve of the tournament, he still showed extraordinary foot speed yesterday as he chased Berdych’s bazooka of a forehand around the court. There was one 29-stroke rally in which he had to make half a dozen desperate retrievals before finally firing a cross-court winner. It was unquestionably the point of the tournament so far.
But how much will yesterday’s battle of wills have taken out of Nadal? It was a stressful match in anybody’s language, especially in the first-set tiebreak. He has rarely shown so much anger as he did when a line-judge failed to spot an overhit backhand from Berdych. After being denied the right to challenge the call on Hawk-Eye, Nadal unleashed a stream of Spanish at the umpire, Carlos Bernardes. For a moment, he almost looked as if he was going to smash his racket into the ground — something that his coach, ‘Uncle’ Toni Nadal, has always expressly forbidden.
Still, Nadal had recovered his composure by the end of the match, which he won 6-7, 7-6, 6-4, 6-3. He went so far as to say that “the fourth set was one of my best on this kind of surface, returning inside the court, [and] making a lot of winners”.
Nadal finished last year in low spirits, especially after an uncharacteristically limp 6-3, 6-0 defeat to Federer at the O₂ Arena in London, but it seems he is slowly beginning to get his mojo working again.
“After two years with troubles and injuries [at the Australian Open], semi-finals is a very good way to start the season,” he said. “Even if I lose [to Federer], I come back home with very positive feeling about how I played.”
It almost sounds as if Nadal will go out feeling he has nothing to lose. Which would make him even more dangerous than normal.
That match, which Nadal won 9-7 in the fifth, was more than just “special. It was peerless. And so is the rivalry between these two champions, a rivalry that has now stretched to 26 matches and eight grand slam finals. In the annals of tennis, only Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova come close.
So it feels a little odd, almost unnatural, that Federer and Nadal should now be preparing to meet in the first semi-final in Rod Laver Arena. Here we have two of the most feted individual sportsmen on the planet. The list of their achievements makes world No 1 Novak Djokovic look like a naive newbie. And yet tomorrow’s match will, in theory, be no more than a warm-up act for Sunday’s final.
Nadal takes a different view. We are talking about a player who won 16 grand slams,” he said last night, after negotiating a draining quarter-final against 2010 Wimbledon finalist Tomas Berdych. “I have won 10 and we have played a lot of matches between each other, in very important moments for our careers. All the matches against him are special and will be special even if we are No 20 against No 25.
Earlier, Federer had revealed that he was rooting for Nadal to beat Berdych, because he wanted to settle another score from their rich history. “Obviously I’d like to play Rafa because of our great epic match in the final here a few years ago, he said.
Federer was referring to another dramatic five-set defeat, inflicted at the 2009 Australian Open, which left him weeping so uncontrollably at the presentation ceremony that he found it difficult to accept his runners-up prize.
“God, it’s killing me, Federer said then. Tomorrow will be his chance to do some killing of his own. If Nadal serves up as many short balls as he did in the early stages of last night’s match, he can expect Federer to scatter winners all over the court like confetti.
The Fed Express certainly lived up to his nickname yesterday as he swept past Juan Martin Del Potro — another man he has history with — in just 1hr 59min. It was classic Federer as he controlled the match and stroked the ball into gaps like the ultimate string-pulling midfielder.
Del Potro’s forehand might be recovering something of the potency it had in 2009, the year he sentenced Federer to another grand slam final defeat in New York. But it is hard to see him adding to his major tournament tally unless he starts moving more like a panther than a buffalo. Federer kept wrong-footing him with cunningly placed slices, and Rod Laver Arena seemed to shake to its foundations every time he wheeled around.
Nadal, of course, will be a totally different proposition. Even with the bandage around his right knee, which he has worn since the joint mysteriously locked up on the eve of the tournament, he still showed extraordinary foot speed yesterday as he chased Berdych’s bazooka of a forehand around the court. There was one 29-stroke rally in which he had to make half a dozen desperate retrievals before finally firing a cross-court winner. It was unquestionably the point of the tournament so far.
But how much will yesterday’s battle of wills have taken out of Nadal? It was a stressful match in anybody’s language, especially in the first-set tiebreak. He has rarely shown so much anger as he did when a line-judge failed to spot an overhit backhand from Berdych. After being denied the right to challenge the call on Hawk-Eye, Nadal unleashed a stream of Spanish at the umpire, Carlos Bernardes. For a moment, he almost looked as if he was going to smash his racket into the ground — something that his coach, ‘Uncle’ Toni Nadal, has always expressly forbidden.
Still, Nadal had recovered his composure by the end of the match, which he won 6-7, 7-6, 6-4, 6-3. He went so far as to say that “the fourth set was one of my best on this kind of surface, returning inside the court, [and] making a lot of winners”.
Nadal finished last year in low spirits, especially after an uncharacteristically limp 6-3, 6-0 defeat to Federer at the O₂ Arena in London, but it seems he is slowly beginning to get his mojo working again.
“After two years with troubles and injuries [at the Australian Open], semi-finals is a very good way to start the season,” he said. “Even if I lose [to Federer], I come back home with very positive feeling about how I played.”
It almost sounds as if Nadal will go out feeling he has nothing to lose. Which would make him even more dangerous than normal.
Review: 'Agneepath' is brilliant in its brutality
By Ankit
Film: "Agneepath"; Starring: Rishi Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt, Hrithik Roshan, Priyanka Chopra, Om Puri; Written and Directed by Karan Malhotra; Rating: ****
Long before the damsel in the den Katrina Kaif signs her writhe petition 'junta ke naam', the film's imposing villain and by extension the film, have written their destiny. In bold bloodied letters. E-mail didn't exist in the 1990s.
Sanjay Dutt as Kancha lording over a no-man's-land called Mandwa where the only law that exists is lawlessness is so formidable in his vile antics, you fear for the hero, a decent bloke with eyes that tell a million untold stories.
Hrithik Roshan opts for a perfectly-tuned low-pitched performance to offset Sanjay Dutt's larger-than-life diabolism. The combination of the flamboyant and the understated works.
This is Agneepath Retold or Agneepath Deconstructed. Either way, the revenge formula never seemed more rousing in its invocation of Good and Evil in their most elementary avatars.
Debutant writer-director Karan Malhotra has chosen to restructure one of the most complex but unsuccessful Amitabh Bachchan starrer. The plot leaps at you through its sanguinary design, building brick by brick an edifice of low-life and high-drama.
This new-rage "Agneepath" retains the core of Mukul Anand's failed drama. And yes, it retains Harivnansh Rai's "Agneepath" poem, though, alas, we don't get to hear Amitabh Bachchan recite the lines.
Karan Malhotra's script alters many of the original's dramatic moments, adds new characters (most notable among them, Rishi Kapoor's Rauf Lala), and finally fine-tunes and assimilates the plot's subliminal statement on crime and retribution to a pitch where we often hear the screaming protests of social inequality through the protagonist's pain-lashed expressions of angst, disgust and rebellion rather than his words.
Hrithik Roshan opts for a subdued interpretation of his vengeful character where he could've easily been larger-than-life. He lets Sanjay Dutt take charge of the blizzard of the bravura.
Sanjay Dutt is delightfully in form. During the "Chikni chameli" song when he quizzes the newly-arrived Mandwa-resident Vijay on why he's where he is, Sanjay's eyes go from the molten to the melting...His best in years.
But the finest performance comes from Rishi Kapoor. Playing a loathsome flesh trader and drug dealer who takes Vijay under his wings, he delivers a bludgeoning homage to skin-crawling villainy. A glorious departure from his lover-boy image.
The prolonged sequence where Hrithik Roshan takes on Rishi Kapoor is the single-most riveting episode of filmed violence in Indian cinema since Gabbar Singh's mayhem over the Thakur's family in Sholay.
"Agneepath" works so wonderfully within its high-voltage 'masala maad-dhaad' genre because of the actors who instinctively grasp the street-level gut-wrenching grammar of Malhotra's storytelling.
Barring Priyanka Chopra who seems strangely cosmetic in a land of looming credibility, every character shines through the crime-drama maze.
The action sequences by Abbas Ali Mogul convey rawness. Every blow that Hrithik Roshan so manfully receives on his chin makes you flinch. You wait for him to give back as good as he gets.
This is not a film for the faint-hearted. Its basic structure and the leitmotif of the 'tree of death' (where Vijay Chauhan's father was hanged and where his wrongdoer will finally meet his nemesis) draw audiences into a vortex of viciousness and sadism.
This is a dark brooding world; this is a world where the laws of retribution and redemption are re-written according to who rules the underworld. This is "Agneepath" where the poet gets hanged and the pervert gets promoted.
Karan Malhotra revels in the language of commercial Hindi cinema. The characters in Vijay's chawl are all good-hearted. Every character in Kancha's kingdom is a creep or a coward. The battle lines are tightly drawn. The pace is breakneck.
The mob scenes of violence and religion often merge on the streets of Mumbai and in the lawless backwaters of the imaginary Mandwa. The narrative features a Gokul Ashthami matki-breaking sequence at the start and a Ganesh visarjan sequence towards the end, both shot spectacularly on Mumbai streets.
The background music is a suitable banshee of memories and pain. Since Hrithik Roshan has chosen the language of understatement to portray the wronged wounded social outcast Vijay Dinanath Chauhan, it is up to the eloquence-level of the soundtrack to supplement the hero's stunning silences.
Every component of the film falls into place, with a resounding thump. "Agneepath" is brilliant in its brutality. It's a riveting and hectic homage to the spirit of the cinema when revenge reigned supreme. And content was King. This new "Agneepath" takes us back to the era when there was no computer or cellphones. And communication with the audience was immediate and electrifying.
Relive that tingling sensation of watching the hero get his groove back. In gory detail.
Long before the damsel in the den Katrina Kaif signs her writhe petition 'junta ke naam', the film's imposing villain and by extension the film, have written their destiny. In bold bloodied letters. E-mail didn't exist in the 1990s.
Hrithik Roshan opts for a perfectly-tuned low-pitched performance to offset Sanjay Dutt's larger-than-life diabolism. The combination of the flamboyant and the understated works.
This is Agneepath Retold or Agneepath Deconstructed. Either way, the revenge formula never seemed more rousing in its invocation of Good and Evil in their most elementary avatars.
Debutant writer-director Karan Malhotra has chosen to restructure one of the most complex but unsuccessful Amitabh Bachchan starrer. The plot leaps at you through its sanguinary design, building brick by brick an edifice of low-life and high-drama.
This new-rage "Agneepath" retains the core of Mukul Anand's failed drama. And yes, it retains Harivnansh Rai's "Agneepath" poem, though, alas, we don't get to hear Amitabh Bachchan recite the lines.
Karan Malhotra's script alters many of the original's dramatic moments, adds new characters (most notable among them, Rishi Kapoor's Rauf Lala), and finally fine-tunes and assimilates the plot's subliminal statement on crime and retribution to a pitch where we often hear the screaming protests of social inequality through the protagonist's pain-lashed expressions of angst, disgust and rebellion rather than his words.
Hrithik Roshan opts for a subdued interpretation of his vengeful character where he could've easily been larger-than-life. He lets Sanjay Dutt take charge of the blizzard of the bravura.
Sanjay Dutt is delightfully in form. During the "Chikni chameli" song when he quizzes the newly-arrived Mandwa-resident Vijay on why he's where he is, Sanjay's eyes go from the molten to the melting...His best in years.
But the finest performance comes from Rishi Kapoor. Playing a loathsome flesh trader and drug dealer who takes Vijay under his wings, he delivers a bludgeoning homage to skin-crawling villainy. A glorious departure from his lover-boy image.
The prolonged sequence where Hrithik Roshan takes on Rishi Kapoor is the single-most riveting episode of filmed violence in Indian cinema since Gabbar Singh's mayhem over the Thakur's family in Sholay.
"Agneepath" works so wonderfully within its high-voltage 'masala maad-dhaad' genre because of the actors who instinctively grasp the street-level gut-wrenching grammar of Malhotra's storytelling.
Barring Priyanka Chopra who seems strangely cosmetic in a land of looming credibility, every character shines through the crime-drama maze.
The action sequences by Abbas Ali Mogul convey rawness. Every blow that Hrithik Roshan so manfully receives on his chin makes you flinch. You wait for him to give back as good as he gets.
This is not a film for the faint-hearted. Its basic structure and the leitmotif of the 'tree of death' (where Vijay Chauhan's father was hanged and where his wrongdoer will finally meet his nemesis) draw audiences into a vortex of viciousness and sadism.
This is a dark brooding world; this is a world where the laws of retribution and redemption are re-written according to who rules the underworld. This is "Agneepath" where the poet gets hanged and the pervert gets promoted.
Karan Malhotra revels in the language of commercial Hindi cinema. The characters in Vijay's chawl are all good-hearted. Every character in Kancha's kingdom is a creep or a coward. The battle lines are tightly drawn. The pace is breakneck.
The mob scenes of violence and religion often merge on the streets of Mumbai and in the lawless backwaters of the imaginary Mandwa. The narrative features a Gokul Ashthami matki-breaking sequence at the start and a Ganesh visarjan sequence towards the end, both shot spectacularly on Mumbai streets.
The background music is a suitable banshee of memories and pain. Since Hrithik Roshan has chosen the language of understatement to portray the wronged wounded social outcast Vijay Dinanath Chauhan, it is up to the eloquence-level of the soundtrack to supplement the hero's stunning silences.
Every component of the film falls into place, with a resounding thump. "Agneepath" is brilliant in its brutality. It's a riveting and hectic homage to the spirit of the cinema when revenge reigned supreme. And content was King. This new "Agneepath" takes us back to the era when there was no computer or cellphones. And communication with the audience was immediate and electrifying.
Relive that tingling sensation of watching the hero get his groove back. In gory detail.
फिल्म Review
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